Perfecting the Project Code

Perfecting the Project Code

Our developers have been in the web development space for over a decade and in that period, we have undertaken and executed several assignments of varying characteristics and for multiple platforms. More often than not, clients approach us to hire a dedicated PHP developer to design high-end and interactive applications, be it for desktop or mobile. Their project requirements are distinct and new as such. In our endeavour to deliver good output, our developer team works round the clock – gathering requirements from the client, laying out the structure and objectives, design custom code, test and execute. In all these stages, we also bank on the vast resources found on the internet. In this blogpost, we discuss how relying too much on the various threads found on the internet can prove to be destructive for software development in the long term.

Sifting the Threads

Let’s face it, we have all been there. Whenever developers face minor hurdles with regard to coding or if they want to get some ideas or inspiration for that particular CSS styling element, we turn to the internet. There are lots of online forums and threads like Stack Overflow and Tutorials Point and even YouTube that cater to the diverse needs and problems of web developers. Indeed, it is a marvel when we seem to get eureka moments while browsing through threads for satisfying the client’s specific requirement. In some case or increasingly with every project that developers undertake, the tendency to spend time on researching and gathering code snippets and design ideas only increases. The habit grows on us to the extent that we spend most of our scared coding time on such internet sifting, thereby making way for a clutter and loss of effectiveness.

Organising the Clutter

Having said that, we are not suggesting complete withdrawal from internet sifting. In fact, when done for a very specific and urgent requirement, the internet is our biggest saviour. But in our experience, we have found that we spend too much time and doesn’t serve our original intent. The result is often a disorganised mess of information at our disposal, not knowing what to use or how much priority to accord to which.

When such a scenario happens, it is advisable that we take a step back and reset our working style and commit to a new workflow. For instance, if we encounter a problem we can take efforts to solve it in small parts – describe the problem wholly, split the problem into parts and smaller objectives, work on each objective step by step. This must be done after erasing all the previous clutter of code got from the internet.


Revamped Approach

Coding like everything else in life requires patience and a lot of trial and error. Internet forums and threads can help only to some extent and in exceptional cases. Moreover, relying on the internet for everything will reduce our creativity in the long term. Rather than seeking complete solutions, it would augur well for developers to strengthen their fundamentals. In doing so, we build our skillsets and start doing things ourselves. It is all a matter of unlearning and learning and habituating for developers, thereby unlocking our imaginative potential. This holds true for all platforms including PHP and Laravel – clients will want to hire a dedicated Laravel developer when they start seeing great results.
For further queries for enlisting our web development services, contact our developer team.